Former District 3272 – Pakistan

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Polio Eradication

Installation Ceremony 2018-19

66th Installation Ceremony of Rotary Club of Rawalpindi was held at Pearl Continental Hotel, Mall Road, Rawalpindi on 22nd July 2018. Mr. Zahid Latif Khan (President Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry) was the Chief Guest at the occasion. A large number of Rotarians from other Clubs of the District graced the occasion by their […]

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Guest Speaker Meeting - Mr. Bahrullah Hazarvi

Special Guest Speaker meeting of Rotary Club of Rawalpindi was held at Rawalpindi Gymkhana on 29th August 2016. Renowned Scholar Mr. Bahrullah Hazarvi was the Guest Speaker. He shared his valuable experiences and thoughts with the club members. A club souvenir was presented to the worthy guest by President Rtn. Waseem Riaz Malik. Mr. Hazarvi also […]

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Weekly Meeting - Media Coverage

Regular meeting of Rotary Club of Rawalpindi was held on Monday 22nd August, 2016 at Shalimar Hotel, Rawalpindi. President Waseem Riaz Malik presided over the meeting which was attended by a large number of RC Rawalpindi members, Rotaractors and guests of RC Rawalpindi. In the meeting Rtn. Tariq Ch. donated UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) Unit […]

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Regular Meeting - RC Rawalpindi

Regular meeting of RC Rawalpindi was held at Rawalpindi Gymkhana on Monday 17th March 2014. President Rashid Mashkoor presided over the meeting. Rtn. Bernie Gallent from Rotary Club of DuPont Circle, Washington DC, USA graced the meeting with his presence. Rtn. Bernie Gallent presented his Club Flag to President Rtn. Rashid Mashkoor who in return […]

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Intercity Meeting - Islamabad

  Intercity Meeting was organized by RC Rawalpindi at Navy Point, Lake View Park, Islamabad on Sunday 16th March, 2014. District Governor Rtn. Haji Iftikhar Ahmed was the Chief Guest at the occasion. Rotarians and their families from all over the District attended the fun filled Family Gala. Many thanks to CDG Rtn. Rauf Rohaila and […]

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RC Rawalpindi - Polio Eradication Meeting

Rotary club Rawalpindi's weekly meeting presided by Rtn Rashid Mashkoor and Secretary Rtn Abdul Mannan Khan. Dr. Sarwat AC from WHO and Dr. Benazeer PEO Rawalpindi from WHO were the Guest Speakers in the meeting. Dr. Sarwat briefed the Rotarians about Polio Eradication activities being carried out by WHO and City District Government in Rawalpindi […]

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Polio Eradication - Workshop

Polio Eradication Awareness Workshop organized by RC Rawalpindi and UNICEF at Crystal Lines Travels Terminal Pirwadhai. Rawalpindi. The workshop was attended by Bus Drivers, Helpers, Mechanics, supporting staff and others. Ms. Bushra from UNICEF and others speakers briefed the audience about Polio. Rtn. Nosherwan Khalil Khan thanked the audience for sparing time. Refreshments were served […]

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RC Rawalpindi - Iftar Dinner Meeting at Rawalpindi Gymkhana

Iftar Dinner was hosted by RC Rawalpindi at Gymkhana Rawalpindi on Monday 5th August 2013. All the members graced the occasion by their presence. Visiting Rotarian from Rotary Club of Dupont Circle, Washington DC, USA Rtn. Michael Haines also graced the occasion and exchanged Club Flag with President Rotary Club Rawalpindi Rtn. Rashid Mashkoor.  

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RC Rawalpindi Regular Meeting - Birthday celebrations

  Regular meeting of Rotary Club Rawalpindi was held at Bukhara Restaurant PC Hotel Rawalpindi on 11th February 2013. After the meeting Birthday cake was cut by Rtn. Asma Malik on her Birthday. Congratulations Rtn. Asma Malik. Rtn. Munir Ahmed Tanoli and Rtn. C.A. Habib shared their experiences of India visit. Rtn. Maria Greaty attended the meeting as a guest.  

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Assistant Governors Training Seminar 2013-14

Assistant Governors Training Seminar 2013-14 organised by Rotary Club Rawalpindi. Congratulations to DGE Iftikhar and Training Team on the very well conducted and successful Assistant Governors Training Seminar enjoyed by all participants. A great learning experience for team 2013-14. Other pictures can be viewed at Facebook

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Object of Rotary and 4-Way Test


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Membership Development Seminar 2009-2010

Rotary Club of Rawalpindi organized Membership Development Seminar on 15th August 2009 at Pearl Continental Hotel, Rawalpindi.  A Large number of Rotarians participated in this seminar. Rtn. Munir Ahmed President Rotary Club Of Rawalpindi presenting a Shield to DG Usman Masud Khan at the Membership Development Seminar. Rtn. Munir Ahmed President Rotary Club Of Rawalpindi […]

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