December is Rotary Family month. There is no better way of celebrating.
I have adopted “Cowboy Logic” as my theme song for two reasons. The first is its happy music that reflects the warm and positive atmosphere of Rotary club meetings around the world. The second is the common sense and simple approach expressed in its lyrics.
Fifty years ago, I often heard the expression “Keep Rotary simple.” That admonition has been lost in the intervening years, and I want to remind Rotarians that the basic concept of Rotary service is simple. Club members, who are community leaders, learn to know and respect one another through their weekly meetings, which create friendship, fellowship, and networking. When a community need is identified, the club members find they have an amazing ability to fill the need because they have the leading business and professional leaders in the community as their members, and they know how to get things done!
The same simple approach works for club service, vocational service, and New Generations service projects. Rotary clubs have the talent to assess and prioritize the needs of their communities. They also have the expertise and resources to address the needs, if the clubs keep their members informed and motivated. The communications within the club must be simple – and frequent!
Perhaps it is in international service that the simplicity of Rotary is most evident. Rotarians learn that their fellow club members are trustworthy, and as they meet Rotarians from other countries, they realize they are similarly trustworthy. As a result, Rotary friends from faraway places are easily made and kept, and the resulting cooperation between clubs for international service projects is truly astounding!
The “Cowboy Logic” song says that cowboys have a simple solution for just about everything. So do Rotarians! It is called the spirit of Rotary, and its hallmarks are fellowship and service. Together, we can make the world a better place by making our clubs Bigger, Better, and Bolder. So let’s do it! That’s cowboy logic!
RI President
Ray Klinginsmith
Source: Rotary International News / Courtesy : eFlash_Rotary
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